

5 products
textile WOUND PLASTER - 60mm. x 1mtr.
Hi-Fix COVERING PLASTER - 50mm. x 10 meters.
Hi-Fix COVERING PLASTER - Multibox 12 pcs. : 50mm. x 10 meters. (10+2 free)
TAPE SCISSORS (stainless steel) - 14 cm.
ALCO HAND GEL with lavender - 200ml.

Wound care

It can happen that you get an injury while exercising. After all, an accident can happen just around the corner. Consider, for example, a scrape after sliding on the artificial grass, a fall with your racing bike or blisters on your foot after running. Wound care after sports is very important, by treating a wound in time you prevent a scar from developing. RÉVVI offers different types of products to properly and quickly care for damaged or open skin tissue so that you can resume exercising as quickly as possible!

Why RÉVVI products for wound care?

RÉVVI products ensure optimal wound care and healing, for example for cleaning, disinfecting and covering wounds or treating and protecting blisters. The gauze compresses are ideal for cleaning the wound and covering the wound if it is dry or slightly oozing. All our wound plasters and gauze compresses are sterile packed. The adhesive plasters are suitable for fixing wound dressings such as gauzes, compresses and bandages. The hemostatic agents, for example, help limit bleeding in cuts. This allows you to further treat the wound more quickly. We recommend wound plasters from RÉVVI to protect the wound against dirt and bacteria. This way the wound can recover optimally. If you develop blisters due to friction or abrasion, it is advisable to use blister plasters or sports tape to treat them.

How do wounds heal?

After you have treated the wound correctly, the wound can start to heal. How quickly this happens depends on the size and depth of the wound. When you are going to care for an open wound, it is important that the treatment is done correctly to speed up the healing process. In most cases, the healing process of a wound consists of three phases.

The first phase usually occurs immediately after the wound occurs. Your skin reacts with an inflammatory response. This reaction manifests itself in the form of pain, swelling, redness and blood clotting. This phase lasts for a few days, depending on the treatment of the wound. After a few days, phase two begins, your body begins to produce new tissue and it begins to form. In the first few days, this new tissue still feels stiff, thick and sometimes painful. After this you enter the final phase. The wound closes with the new tissue and a scar is formed. Over time, depending on the size of the wound, this scar becomes soft and pliable.

The best treatment for a wound

Caring for an open wound involves a number of steps. This of course differs per wound. In case of serious injuries, it is always important that you first contact your doctor or emergency room to have your wound treated. With our wound care products you can go through all the steps to care for the open wound. Below is a step-by-step plan for wound care.

The first step is disinfecting, by which we mainly mean your own hands. You do not want to further infect the wound with bacteria, clean hands help with this. Use RÉVVI hand gel to clean your hands. Then clean the wound or blister with lukewarm water to rinse away any remaining dirt. After this, try to dry the wound thoroughly. If necessary, take tweezers and remove splinters or deeper dirt to prevent infections. Then apply our wound cleaning spray to the wound, which cleans and disinfects wounds and prevents them from developing into major infections. After the wound has been disinfected, you can start applying the wound plasters. Make sure you cut the bandage so that it covers the entire wound. Do not cut off pieces that are too large, it is important that you can still move freely after applying a wound plaster.

RÉVVI wound care products are perfect to keep in the first aid kit. This way you can always carry out wound care properly and quickly. Try to organize the box logically and clearly so that you can immediately find what you need in an emergency. It is also important that you regularly check the expiry date of the care products and replace them where necessary.

Complete body care with RÉVVI products

RÉVVI products are only of the highest quality and meet strict standards. Not only can you use our products to treat a wound, we also offer products to prevent wounds and injuries. Before exercising, you can use our various muscle gels or sports tapes to be able to move smoothly and without injury during exercise. Injuries can also be easily treated with RÉVVI hot and cold packs . In short, with RÉVVI body care products you can enjoy your sport and you don't have to stay on the sidelines due to an injury or wound! Payment is easy via iDeal, credit card or PayPal .